July 10th - Web Event: Static Site Generators — From Zero To “They Can Do That?!”

Are there good reasons why creating sites with an SSG is becoming so popular?


Tuesday, July 10, 15:00 GMT.

There are good reasons for using SSGs. We should talk a little about some of them like improved security, and performance. Like cheaper, more scalable hosting. And like more rapid and modern development workflows.

This webinar will explore some of these reasons for using an SSG to build a JAMstack site, and then look at practical examples of using SSGs to achieve more than you might have thought possible with a static site.

Key takeaway: A considered approach to deciding if a static site architecture could be right for you, and tools and techniques for using Static Site Generators and modern tooling to create your next site.

60 mins + Q&A. Tuesday, July 10, 15:00 GMT.

More information at Smashing Magazine